When it comes to personal branding you may think about super successful business names like Richard Branson, or Tony Robbins. They’ve spent years (and millions of dollars) building their personal brand, to the point where their brand is recognized globally and is considered world-class.

As a mortgage broker, you don’t need to spend millions of dollars or be recognized around the world for what you do. Personal branding will help you elevate your business in any market and, when done correctly, you will become wealthy and famous in your own community.

The mortgage industry is full of competition and personal branding will definitely help you stand out from your competitors. Personal branding is about sharing who you are and giving clients insight as to why they should be working with you.

One of the first things we teach in the Luxury Home Mortgage Advisor course is how to clarify your marketing message, so that it’s consistent and communicated properly across all marketing channels.

To get you thinking about your personal brand, begin by writing a short story of a client you truly enjoyed working with. Now take a look closer at that client and determine which category they fit into:

  1. First time home buyer
  2. Business for self
  3. Bad credit (but good person!)
  4. High-net-worth
  5. Custom home builder
  6. Condo corporation loan (property manager)
  7. Real estate investor

Add depth to your story. What was it that you loved about working with this particular client? Have you worked with similar clients in the past? Highlight your strengths by describing the challenges you took care of behind the scenes and finish your story off by telling your audience the impact this has had on your client’s life.

Doing this exercise is the first step in finding your personal brand. It’s also an exercise to get you in the habit of creating great content that can be shared on your website and across social media channels.

CV-19 Update: The Luxury Home Mortgage Advisor course now gives lifetime access to all of our Master Classes at no additional charge! We’ve also reduced pricing in a big way. If you are interested in elevating your personal brand and taking advantage of our bi-weekly coaching, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to request your discount code.